

Unlock your peak performance with our comprehensive Introduction to Sports Nutrition course.

Designed by registered dietitians and sports scientists, this online course dives deep into the science of fuelling your body for success. Whether you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or coach, you’ll gain expert insights into:

  • The role of sports nutrition: Understand the role of sports nutrition in optimising performance and recovery and the nuances between different types of sports.
  • Macronutrients & Energy Systems: Understand the building blocks that power your workouts and optimise recovery.
  • Fluid & Hydration Strategies: Learn how to stay at your best with hydration tips tailored to your activity level.
  • Nutrient Timing Techniques: Maximise performance, endurance, and recovery with precise timing of your meals and snacks.

Take control of your nutrition and elevate your performance.

This course is perfect for ...

Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, parents of athletes or coaches.

What's in Store for You?

Introduction to sports nutrition
  • Understand the role of sports nutrition in optimising performance and recovery, and identify the specific energy, nutrient, and hydration needs of different types of athletes.
  • Recognise the impact of tailored nutrition strategies on various athlete categories, including recreational, amateur, and professional/elite athletes, and apply appropriate dietary adjustments based on their training loads.
  • Categorise different sport types (endurance, intermittent, strength/power-based) and understand the specific physical, technical, and physiological demands associated with each category.
  • Differentiate between endurance, intermittent, and strength/power-based sports, and explain how each type utilises different energy systems.
  • Apply knowledge of energy systems and training loads to design nutrition plans that support performance, recovery, and injury prevention across different sports and athlete levels.
  • Identify and address common nutritional challenges faced by athletes, such as managing dietary needs during travel, adhering to religious or cultural constraints, and handling allergies or intolerances.
  • Develop and implement effective fuelling strategies for various training periods, including daily intake, pre-workout snacks, and post-workout recovery meals.
  • Evaluate the impact of nutrition on achieving and maintaining ideal body composition, strengthening the immune system, improving mental performance, and reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies and gastrointestinal issues.

Module 1: Macronutrients
  • Understand Macronutrient Functions and identify the roles of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in supporting overall health and optimising athletic performance.
  • Recognise the importance of carbohydrates as a primary energy source and differentiate between simple and complex carbohydrates.
  • Apply fibre knowledge and explain the functions of soluble and insoluble fibre and their impact on digestive health, including daily fibre recommendations.
  • Utilise glycaemic index and understand the concept of glycaemic index (GI) and apply it to select carbohydrates that manage blood glucose levels effectively.
  • Assess protein needs and determine the role of protein in muscle repair and growth and apply daily protein intake recommendations based on activity levels.
  • Differentiate fat types and identify and contrast the effects of saturated and unsaturated fats on health and understand their roles in hormone production and cell integrity.
  • Understand cholesterol levels and explain the functions of LDL and HDL cholesterol and apply dietary strategies to balance cholesterol levels for cardiovascular health.
  • Calculate the caloric content of foods based on their macronutrient composition and understand the energy provided by carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • Apply daily intake recommendations for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to various activity levels and dietary needs.

Module 2: Energy Requirements
  • Explain the roles and functions of the three primary energy systems - ATP-PCr, glycolytic, and oxidative systems - in fuelling various types of exercise.
  • Describe the ATP-PCr system, including how ATP is produced and replenished, and its role in high-intensity, short-duration activities. Identify the limitations and recovery needs of this system.
  • Analyse the process of anaerobic glycolysis, including its role in producing ATP during moderate to high-intensity exercise, and discuss the production of by-products like lactate and their impact on performance.
  • Detail the aerobic metabolism process, including the use of oxygen to produce ATP from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Explain how fat oxidation and carbohydrate use vary with exercise duration and intensity.
  • Identify how the body stores and utilises glycogen and fat during exercise. Discuss the transition from fat to carbohydrate as the primary fuel source with increasing exercise intensity and the impact on performance.
  • Understand and apply strategies for optimising fuel intake, such as carbohydrate loading and timing, to maintain performance during long-duration or high-intensity exercise.
  • Compare the contributions of different energy systems to exercise based on intensity and duration, and explain how the ATP-PCr, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic systems support various physical activities.

Module 3: Hydration
  • Distinguish the roles of fluid in the body- aids in cellular function, blood pressure control, nutrient regulation, temperature maintenance and circulation
  • Understanding how different factors effects total body water, such as age, sex, and aerobic fitness and body composition
  • Identify where fluids in the body can be found- intracellular fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments
  • Identify signs and symptoms of dehydration and overhydration and their impact on health and performance.
  • Knowing the goal of drinking during exercise- prevent dehydration and excessive changes in electrolyte balance
  • Monitor and adjust fluid intake by using indicators such as urine colour to assess hydration status and adjust fluid intake accordingly
  • Recognising that fluid requirements change with types of exercise, duration as well as intensity
  • Be able to calculate fluid requirements before, during and after exercise, considering individual needs and environmental conditions
  • Understand the role of electrolytes in hydration and performance, and apply appropriate guidelines for electrolyte replacement.

Module 4: Nutrient timing
  • Identify daily carbohydrate requirements based on activity levels (3 - 12 g per kg body weight) and understand how these impact performance and glycogen stores.
  • Learn strategies for timing carbohydrate intake before, during, and after exercise to maximise glycogen stores and enhance performance and recovery.
  • Describe the technique of carbo-loading for endurance events and its impact on performance, including practical recommendations for increasing carbohydrate intake 36 - 48 hours before an event.
  • Develop a pre-event meal plan that maximises glycogen stores and prevents hypoglycemia, including meal timing and carbohydrate quantity (1 - 4 g per kg body weight).
  • Differentiate carbohydrate strategies for varying event durations (less than 45 minutes to more than 2.5 hours) and apply appropriate intake methods to maintain performance.
  • Explain the use of multiple transportable carbohydrates (glucose and fructose) for endurance events to improve absorption and performance.
  • Assess the ergogenic effects of caffeine, including appropriate dosages, timing, and potential side effects.
  • Create a recovery plan focusing on fluid and electrolyte replacement, glycogen replenishment, and protein intake for optimal recovery post-competition.


There will be a set of questions following each chapter in the four modules. The pass mark for each set is 80%. You have multiple attempts to achieve this mark. A certificate of completion will be issued once all of the questions have been completed.


No previous experience or knowledge is required. This course will be of value to an individual involved in sports.


Marie McGregor
Marie McGregor


Marie MacGregor is a registered dietitian based at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA). Marie graduated from UCT with a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2004 and has over 18 years of experience working in the health, wellness, and fitness industry.

Natasha Darne Driescher-Engelbrecht
Natasha Darne Driescher-Engelbrecht


Natasha is a registered dietitian based at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA). She holds a PhD in Physiology from Stellenbosch University (2017) and a BMedSciHons in Dietetics from the University of Cape Town (2019).

Devon Byrne
Devon Byrne


Having investigated the impact of ketones on performance for her MSc degree, Devon has since delved into the potential benefits of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) on endurance running.


How to buy

To purchase a course:

  1. Click on the Buy Now button
  2. Complete the ‘Create Account’ information (if you have never purchased a course with us) or Login (if you are an existing user)
  3. Click the ‘Complete Purchase’ to process payment

Last modified: Monday, 14 October 2024, 2:15 PM